Women's Discipleship Leader Update 2017-2018

Do you consider your group
Will you meet next year?
Meeting Location 2017-18?
Meeting Day 2017-18?
Meeting Time 2017-18?
Do you need a room reservation for the fall?
Do you have room to add more ladies this comming year?
*List the full names of women in your group returning for 2017-18?
Is anyone multiplying out of your group to lead this year?
Age and stage of your group.
Describe your discipleship group. Who would fit best for your group?
What curriculum do you plan to use?
Do you have a coach or mentor to support you as you lead?
Would you be interested in attending a Leaders Roundtable once a month for encouragement and equipping?
*Would you like to receive reminders of upcoming events by text message?
If Yes, please provide your cell number.
Do you have any feedback for Women's Ministry?